Most people who are paralyzed have heard this old saw: Before (injury or disease) you could do 10,000 things. Now you can do 9,000. So are you going to worry about the 1,000 limitations or concentrate on the bigger list of options still available?
By participating in the arts, people with disabilities greatly contribute to our workplaces and communities, help bury old stereotypes regarding disability, and create a global culture truly representative of all people. Because art is an infinite and unconditional field, people with disabilities are free to express themselves without physical, social, or attitudinal barriers.
Exercise is good for everyone, regardless of the disability, spinal cord injury level and final functional
  capabilities. Some people exercise to lose weight or shape up. Others do it to get stronger, to build endurance and stamina, to help keep joints loose and flexible, to reduce stress, to get more restful sleep, or just because it makes them feel better. Whatever motivates you to exercise is a good reason.
The care for a Paralyzed person can range from just Short-Term Care to Live-in/24-hour Care. Typically for a long-term Paralyzed person who has learned to live independently, clients feel that Hourly or Weekend Care is enough to make them independent at their own home. On the other hand, paralyzed person may need Live-in or Night Care, due to the higher amount of attention needed after an accident.